I’m pretty late to the party, but it
looks like Poloniex is to be acquired by Circle. This is a little
interesting because Circle has some pretty mainstream investors like
Goldman Sachs. Here are two articles on it.
I also changed ad networks in the
somewhat recent past. So far, it's my favorite so far. And the best
part is they pay in bitcoin! They credit you increments of 5 satoshi
which is super nice, as other sites often pay in increments of 1 cent
and round down which, at less than a $1 per cpm and a fill rate at
less than 100%, means you can get decent daily views but still not
get credited anything. So A-AD is a better network if you are still
small time in your daily view count. Check it out here.
Also I haven’t all that much
reporting on ICOs,
or the specifics of some of them. For more details on the technical
aspects of ICOs check this article out at 99bitcoin.
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