
Bitcoin Blog a1

Thursday, December 27, 2018


So I was browsing https://coinmarketcap.com/ just for fun. And I saw this coin near 100( this was a while ago, I’m not sure if it is true still), veritaseum. And I thought to myself, oh, like the youtube channel?
Well, no, it is not that. This isn’t the first time I have confused a cryptocurrency name with something else.

But this coin still is interesting.

It looks like you can “rent” your tokens (kind of like the margin loans I make on Polo). I’m not sure of the details exactly, but here is the site. https://veritas.veritaseum.com/verent-platform I will have to look into it more.

But, it looks like Polo is now ending the margin loans for US customers. Polo probably should be issuing a 1099 INT for each margin lender, but they don’t. Instead of correcting this, it looks like they are doing the easier solution and just ending the service. I probably will move to another exchange after this.

And, as might note in my last post, I am probably leaving Cryptopia as well. I’ll let you know when I find a new place to go.

Also, check out my most recent edition to Zero to Moon! When you buy the book to are entitled to personally as me, a CPA candidate, questions about Cryptocurrency. All personalized for your situation. At five dollars this really is a steal and if it catches on, I will likely have to discontinue it.

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